Friday, January 4, 2008

Tourist in Toronto - Pacific Mall

Work was kind enough to give us a week off, and I wasn't able to schedule a vacation for this week. So I thought I'd try to visit some places in Toronto that I've never been to. Some are not easy to get to, and some I've just not had the chance to visit. Yesterday I got the opportunity to go to the Pacific Mall, 'North America's Largest Indoor Asian Mall'. So on a day when I woke up planning to clean the apartment and rid my life of some clutter, I found myself visiting kawaii-mecca. The mall is full of electronics, anime and car hobby stalls, beauty products, clothes and imported food, and places selling all of that cute, useless stuff that I find it impossible to resist. I think I did pretty well. I came away with a few things, none of them especially useful, but at least...they're small. Two of my purchases were edible: a red bean/green tea kitkat and a perfect little french-style green tea white chocolate cake.
I picked up a Studio Ghibli Dvd with a few films on it, and some keychain/cel phone accessories. One of them is a character called Aokubi Daikon, who is a Daikon who runs away from home when he realizes he's about to be eaten.
The coolest thing that I saw was a collection of metal palm-sized international airplanes, which you could assemble and set up at an airport, complete with tiny landing strip employees. The weirdest thing I saw were the sexy plastic dreamgirl statuettes, styles tailored to your preference, complete with tan-lines, stray hairs and pouty, sexy facial expressions.
Now that I've had my tea, and the Rats have had theirs, time to get on with reality.


Tomek said...

Why did i bother coming to Korea. I forgot about the Pacific Mall... :(

nicki said...

that is one of my most favourite places....EVER :) !!