Yesterday I posted an ad on craigslist, trying to give away a desk that I theory. I scavenged it from a park down the street, dragged it home, cleaned it up, and hoped to use it as a work surface for arts and crafts. It didn't quite work out that way. The desk is small, the chair is uncomfortable, and the work surface is on a slant.
This is the picture that accompanied the ad:
It was hard to put it up because I felt attached to it, and I was nervous to meet the man that was going to take it from me. I got a response to my ad within an hour.
He showed up, his tiny black-haired child walking beside him.
"Say hello, Megan." he prompted. She waved.
She later told me, with her fingers, that she was four years old.
When I put the desk online for free, I expected it to go to a hipster or an antique dealer. This was much nicer.
The man ushered his tiny daughter up my stairs and encouraged her to sit in the desk.
"Do you like it, Megan?" he asked.
She nodded her head and swung her tiny legs. I hope she draws some kick-ass pictures of elephants and rainbows on it. Go Megan!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Goodbye, little desk
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