Friday, July 18, 2008

"I just love what you've done with the place!"

I love found photo websites. I have since I first started using the internet in 90-ought-seven or so. I started playing with them a few years later.
An early piece of 'work' from oh two:

It seems like there's been a resurgence of interest in found photos and objects in the past few years, and I couldn't be happier.
My photoshop skills are much, much better now, and my appreciation for these pics goes deeper because I've grown up a bit more.

Found a site last night via bighappyfunhouse that I just loved. It reminded me of first using the internet. There was no sidebar and the page just continued downward for minutes, but it was enjoyable to view. The photos are diverse, and the site includes a lot of mp3's from rare or kitschy thrift store albums.
My favourite part by far, though, was the page leading to various photo archives. It looks like a pile of thrift-store books where the titles have been altered to describe the contents.

My favourite link so far is the collection of pictures of 'Boxers in Boots'

End transmission.

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